Possible future role of China in the global development
Analyzing the nearest history of China we are able to see the great changes as in the political and economical spheres as well as in people's minds. And from my opinion the last thing could play enormous role in the process of development. We have vivid image of how mentality of people was changing practically in ten years. Values were changing rapidly. Comparing with USSR we can say that in USSR political changes were put on the first place and they were the priority for the government in certain time. In China the government and particularly such a genius and talented man as Dan Syopin was going to change firstly economical basis of the country. He left the political system as it exists even nowadays. Thus the “land” problem in China was resolved pretty fast and successfully. So China chose the western model of capitalistic development with so called Chinese specifics, which means no political changes after the 30 years of communistic extensive development. Different people can analyze this aspect from different sides. But to prove positive attitude to this point of view we can say that China is economical giant nowadays and I think nobody would argue with this fact. I am not going to get deep in details, but we could follow these rapid and bright changes throughout last fifteen years. In the year 2005 China launched its first spaceship, I think that this can symbolize some changes also and can give some projections on perspectives of future development of China. Investors from all over are not scared to start business in China, which shows the sureness in tomorrow. Chinese leaders can bravely say that the economical situation in the country is stable. To summarize, I can state that the future leading economical and political role in the world, as it’s transient (history shows it vividly), will transfer from west to Asia, specifically China. If you are not disgree or agree with this statement you can leave your comments and argue.